Blog Special – XI: The Perils of UN Peacekeeping Amidst Weapons of War: A Challenge for International Law
BLOG SPECIAL – X: The Geneva Conventions @75: Use of Weapons of War and Audacity for Humanizing Warfare
Blog Special: India needs to invigorate its Climate Diplomacy
Blog Special- II : The Sleepwalking into a Planetary Crisis: Invoking International Law
Blog Special - I : The Sleepwalking into a Planetary Crisis: Invoking International law
The Reagan-Thatcher Revolution and its impact on International Politics
Blog Special – VII: Rape under Orders as a Weapon of War: A Challenge for International Law
On the UN Resolution calling for a ban on ASAT Missile Tests
Role of the UN and the International Legal Dimensions of Russia Ukraine Crisis
Arms Trade Treaty at risk of irrelevance
Part - III: Abused Ammunition as a Weapon of War in the DR Congo: A Challenge for International Law
Black Sea Grain Agreement: A Beacon of Hope for the World
The Repurposed UN Trusteeship Council for the Future: PART – I: The Context and the Idea
Blog Special Series-II: Use of Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War: A Challenge for International Law
Blog Exclusive: Stockholm+50 and Beyond: Envisioning Our Environmental Future
China's Uighur Camps: Why Is a UN Visit Being Criticised for 'Soft Position'?
Blog Special Series-I: Use of Food as a Weapon of War: A Challenge for International Law