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  • The SIS Blog aims to disseminate contemporary debates, comments and opinions related to international relations while engaging the readers.

  • The SIS Blog welcomes original, creative, intellectually stimulating blog posts from faculty members, former teachers, students and alumni of SIS.

  • The SIS Blog will also invite guest contributions from academicians, experts and researchers working in the field of intentional relations.

  • The contributor can send original blog post up to 1000 words. However, if you feel 1000 words are less for your chosen theme, consider to publish it in multiple blog posts.

  • The faculty contributor can also send a write up already published in reputed national and international dailies for republishing in the SIS Blog. But that article must have been published within seven days and not more than 1000 words. Published articles older that seven days will not be considered.

  • We will consider publishing that write up after ensuring that the author gives the SIS Blog authorization to republish it. That write up will be posted in the SIS Blog while giving credit to the original publisher. Any copyright issues after the republication will solely be the responsibility of the author.

  • Your blog posts should carry your name, designation, email ID, mobile number (optional) and twitter handle (if available).

  • You may consider sending a photo or illustration along with the write up which will capture ideas behind your chosen theme. Please make sure you have the permission to send that photo for SIS Blog. The writers are encouraged to access relevant photos in creative commons and the SIS Blog will give credit to the creator of the photo.

  • The blog posts wherever necessary may have hyper-links embedded in the words rather than footnotes or in-text citations to redirect the reader to the cited sources.

  • The contributor is also encouraged to send up to five hashtags at the end of the write up which will be helpful for populating the post in social media platforms.

  • The SIS Blog will post the write up after a review by the editorial collective. The First Editor will go through the post and make sure that posts are in tune with standards of SIS Blog. The Second Editor wherever necessary will engage the writer if any clarification or changes required. This process will ensure that we consistently disseminate high-quality contents.

  • The contents in the blog posts are solely the personal opinions of the authors and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the website, SIS, JNU, Editors or its affiliates.

  • After the blog post gone live, the copy right will remain with the contributor. The contributor can reproduce the contents elsewhere. Any other platform wishing to reproduce the blog post must take the permission of the contributor.  It is desirable for that platform to give SIS Blog credit for the original post.

  • The SIS Blog will strive to maintain academic integrity as per UGC guidelines. All original write ups will go through similarity test in Turnitin, Grammarly and other relevant plagiarism checkers before being posted in the SIS Blog.

  • While we welcome original and intellectually stimulating posts, write ups hurting the sentiments of any person, organization, agency, group and community will not be published.

  • You can send the post to the Editorial Collective of SIS Blog at

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©2023 by SIS Blog.


Disclaimer: The contents in the blog posts are solely the personal opinions of the authors and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the website, SIS, JNU, Editors or its affiliates.

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